Some works in English

Malyshev A.I.
Evolution of Bezymyannyi Eruptive Activity in 1986-1987
// Vol. Seis., 1995, Vol.17. pp. 257-270.

Malyshev A.I.
Directed-Blast Eruption of Bezymyannyi on March 30, 1956: Problems of Interpretation
// Vol. Seis. 1998. V.19. P. 311-319.

Malyshev A.I., Malysheva L.K.
An origin of valley networks and outflow valleys on the martian surface
// Lunar and Planetary Sciences XXXI. Houston. 2000. Abs. 1125.
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Malyshev A.I.
Hyperbolic Laws of Precursory Seismicity before the November 12, 1964, Shivelutch Eruption
// Vol. Seis. 2000. V.22. P. 337-350.

Malyshev A.I., Malysheva L.K.
Mars Planetary Evolution and the Problems of Earth Geodynamics.
// Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, Houston, 2001, abs. 1323.
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